Travel to an ancient land

Guided by prayer flags

Arrive at our destination, Zhiwa Ling
Shining like a jewel in the mountains
Beautiful intricate work by local artisans
With a painting thrown in for good measure
Looks even more beautiful up close..
After the visual feast, rest yourself on the chairs

And get ready to slumber

So that you are awake to experience the magic of the night
We all are waiting to hear from you..
how did you like our kingdom?

A kingdom in the Himalayas
East of India

Image Credits:
All hotel images: Ziwa Lingh Hotel
Other snaps from Trek Earth (Michael Perfilov and Michael DF)
Map from Bhutan Tourism

So that you are awake to experience the magic of the night

We all are waiting to hear from you..
how did you like our kingdom?

A kingdom in the Himalayas
East of India

Visit here for more information
Image Credits:
All hotel images: Ziwa Lingh Hotel
Other snaps from Trek Earth (Michael Perfilov and Michael DF)
Map from Bhutan Tourism