I wanna fall from the stars...

Straight into your arms..

All I want is a room somewhere....
umm...maybe not!
If you notice the 'I want to be here' image on the left
You would know what is catching my fancy this week

Just give me a bed and a piece of sky
and some million stars to gaze at..

That's what I want...

Sunrise on my pillow?

And this is from where the above view has been viewed!

Sometimes, I get cheetahs for company as I count sheep
(and I think: do the cheetahs have vested interest in counting sheep with me?)

Never far away from the gentle lap of ocean to nudge me into slumber..

With cheetahs, you might get mosquitoes too! Not a problem... dreamy mosquito nets solve all my outdoor sleeping problems!

Ah! I spy a hut behind just in case it rains!

3/4th of a cave...works for this cave woman!

Nothing at all between that absolutely personal and peaceful conversations I sometimes need to have with the über architect who resides amongst the stars...

I, I feel you
Hope you comprehend
[Stars by Simply Red]

[Images in order from top: 1st two are from Loisaba, Kenya; Wolwedans, Nambia; Voyages lizard island, Australia; Wolwedans again; Tarkuni, South Africa; Kagga Kamma, South Africa; Wolwedans]

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