Be Inspired...

As it is the New Year I assume it is time to get on with the New ideas and the plans for the coming year.  Do you make resolutions?  Do you make goals? Aspirations?  I am not really a fan of the resolution only because it is not always the best idea to make extreme changes.  Subtle changes seem to work better for me...  

This year I have some plans but nothing is concrete I have some things I have been wanting to do and so I suppose I should be getting to them. 

Last year I wanted to read 50 books and I am so excited to tell you that I surpassed that goal and I plan on getting to just about that many this year, along with the idea I shared around my birthday to cook for my family more.  I find that is always good to reflect a little on what we did accomplish before making a new list - this always makes me feel better about myself.

There are a couple of things that I checked off of my life's to do list in 2013.  We shopped in Paris and France and shipped back a container (check), we put in a pool at our home (check), we traveled (check),  I am sure there is more but I am at a loss.. see things elude me so quickly.

For this year I plan on digging into that list a little as I have a special birthday coming up and want to celebrate it in style.

  1. Travel - always on my list!  I want to travel a bit in the US this year, there are so many amazing cities here that I have never been to..  New Orleans, Charleston, Atlanta (well I have been there but just for a show).  We have light plans to hit up Montana and Corsica (I know this is not in the states but it is on this years list as I have always wanted to go).
  2. Spend more quality time with my fam.. they make me laugh and smile I am going to soak it all up!
  3. Expand a bit on the blog, I hope to do more original pieces and content here on the blog, share more before and afters on my projects with you.  I love sharing inspirational spaces with you and want to keep giving you something to come back for.
  4. Expand in the shop, there are so many amazing pieces that I see and I need to share with you and my clients, I want to add all of these wonderful options to the shop. 
  5. Enjoy the design process and let go of some of the responsibility so I really can REALLY enjoy it.  Possibly buy a real delivery truck and rework my office space to suit having more bodies in here working.
  6. Focus!  I am trying hard to not get distracted and hope to make a better effort in 2014 to make it actually happen.  With all of the technology it is so easy to get distracted and move onto another task before you even realize that one has been left undone.
  7.  Be kind.. I am going to do my best to go out of my way to be kind to others, no matter what.
I would love to hear what you are up to for the New Year...  any aspirations?


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