I Finally Got Instagram!

my first instagram pic ever!
"If we're going to be friends let's get one thing straight...I hate snoops!" - Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Well Holly, you would most likely hate me then (although the thought of that truly torments me since I want to be your best friend) because I love snooping.  Whenever I'm at my friends' houses I'm always looking in their closets and drawers to see what they've got. I realize this makes me seem incredibly nosey... and I'm okay with that. I am a blogger after all.
And now I'm inviting you to snoop my life, because I FINALLY GOT INSTAGRAM. And I can snoop you right back.
My old phone bit the dust and I hopped on the iPhone bandwagon.
As of right now, however, I'm the instagram equivalent of Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls when she eats her lunch alone in the bathroom....friendless.
Please ladies, lets be Instagram friends! I promise to post lots of pretty, decor related things (and probably a few too many photos of my cat). Plus, you'll get an inside look on my everyday happenings.
Follow me here! xo
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