By Invitation Only: A great challenge

A challenge...  The girls from By invitation only have asked us to write about a challenge for this month's post.  Something to over come possibly something to accomplish.  I think this might be the perfect opportunity to speak up, to get it off my chest so to speak.  I have been writing this little blog for (omg) almost 4 years now and I have felt that it was challenging many times, sometimes a fun challenge but challenging never the less.  I think it may be time for a change, maybe a regroup so to speak.  It has been itching at me since the beginning of the year and I am just now accepting it I think.  I would like to make some changes around here... I know you have changed in the past 4 years and I know that I certainly have, hopefully in good ways!  So I want to add a few things and organize a few things and possibly omit a few things...  I ask you to be patient with me as I work through some changes here on the blog, in hopes of making it better and fuller.

Last year was an amazing year full of projects and wonderful growth for me.  I worked on and completed about 15 projects in a 12 month period, not including my residential clients and my personal projects.  Sometimes that can leave you feeling a little over cooked, if you know what I mean.  I want to make the blog a reflection of what really truly inspires me each and every day not just what I think you are going to want to see, in hopes that it will inspire you too.

 If you would like to see what the other girls are up to check them out here!

If you would like help creating inspirational spaces for yourself contact us!
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