In Elle Decor
While browsing through my favorite decor sites, I was pleasantly surprised to see a feature on Surajit 'Bomti' Iyengar's Calcutta apartment, on Elle Decor. I remember seeing it in the Indian edition of Elle Decor sometime back, and now couldn't resist the temptation of sharing the online pics with you. Surajit's home has such an old world charm to it - the faded walls, colonial furniture, ceramics that seem to have been passed down from generations, rich fabrics, art work from local artists, Burma teak floors - the home is truly a treasure cave for a collector!
I like how various disparate elements like the heirloom clock, old photographs, ceramic plates and the art work, all just come together in this room to give it a distinct character.
The Burma teak floors are covered in hand knotted Kashmiri carpets
Paintings by various young Bengal artists above the writing table
Period Bengal furniture made from mahogany and rose wood
Read more about this charming apartment right here
And of course, as it happens (to the best of us), there were a few more pretty rooms that caught my eye, and I just had to share these with you as well. A room here and a room there from the fabulous home tours on Elle Decor...
Love the beaten copper ceiling fixture!
Inspiring example of salvaged furniture - the distressed cupboard at the back is a must have!
A room from Peacock Pavilions - Maryam's fabulous place-to-be-in Marrakesh
Another brilliantly put together room in Peacock Pavilions
And finally, a bright cheery room with lovely block print furnishing
[All images: Elle Decor]
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