Wednesday's Art (that I'm covetting)

Alright guys, I haven't created any doodles in a couple of weeks, and that makes me a bad blogger. Or maybe just a busy one. But I couldn't leave you high and dry today, so I'm sharing some really cool art that I'm seriously considering purchasing for my new place.

Y'all better recognize this girl is on a strict budget, so these are all cost friendly prints. Lovely.

1. Ink Blot art by Jessica of The Aestate
'Ingenue' via The Aestate
'Papillon' via The Aestate
Ahh too beautiful! I only need one, but which one? What's your vote guys?  Helppp!
On a side note, psych was one of only 2 B's I got throughout my University degree (still holding a grudge against it) so I'm surprised I'm drawn to these pyschology inspired prints..Actually look at them, I'm not surprised at all

2. Gold Perfume art by I See Noise
Chanel No.5 via I See Noise
Coco Chanel via I see Noise
You caught me, I posted about these prints before in my Birthday Wishlist in June. But, I'm still wishin away y'all! They are the perfect pair. I want both.

Speaking of Art, Charmaine received her original Dining Room painting in the mail and has it hung up and framed:
 via My Best Friend Craig
 Seeing my work framed and hanging in someone's space fills me with so much pride!
I have another specially commissioned doodle to reveal soon!
If you have something you'd like doodled up, don't be shy ;).

Lastly, with all eyes on the London for the Olympics and my blogging friend Ashleigh helping out at Olympic Park, I did a guest post over on her blog all about adding some London swag to your decor! Check it out.

Thanks for stopping by :) xo
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