Architectural Digest, the iconic interior design magazine is finally in India! Launched by the Condè Nast India group in March this year, this bi-monthly magazine will bring to us beautiful homes, trends, designer and architect profiles and expert tips and opinions.
I got an email from Lauren, from the AD team, and she sent me a special selection of images from an AD exhibition in Milan, featuring all the AD international issues , exclusively for you - An Indian Summer readers! AD India's latest issue is out on the stands now, and you can also subscribe to the magazine here.
From the contemporary Indian home... rich traditional Indian spaces
Architectural Digest India covers it all!
[All images copyright: AD, India; Photographers: 1:Monolo Yllera, 2:Ricardo Labougle, 3:Tom Parker, 4,5,6: Antonio Martinelli, 7:Henry Wilson]