
This happened....and I am Va Klempt

Bloggers’ Choice

Who will make it big in 2012? Our favorite design bloggers tell us which up-and-comers they’re excited about right now:

“Amber Lewis started her career as a textile designer, and her talent for using stunning fabrics in her projects is self evident. I think 2012 will be her year to shine because she successfully merges disparate elements in her décor choices to create gorgeous and infinitely livable interiors. Amber's style is imbued with a laid back, effortless SoCal chic that I find very compelling. She has a talent for layering patterns and textiles as well as for mixing ethnic, tribal elements with more traditional pieces. I also appreciate her inclusion of quirky and unusual artwork in the spaces she decorates. Amber also offers a more affordable e-decorating option for clients, which makes her work more accessible to younger professionals and families — a definite boon for savvy potential clients in 2012!”
CasaSugar Editor Elka Karl


 I am gonna get all emotional up in

Brace yo'Self

If you have a weak gag reflex...

If you think "feelings" are annoying....


If you just generally think of me as a cotton headed ninny muggins

then these next couple sentences are not for you

I am gonna shed a single tear, and I am not ashamed..

here goes........

I LOVE my job.

I wake up everyday being excited that I get to be creative for a living. 

I truly believe the old saying "if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life"

It's a motto I live by..

I knew that when I made the fateful decision to go out on my own in this big bad world of design that I most likely would have ups and downs.
That I would struggle to make my place in this crazy soup of talent and that I may never stand out as a good designer.
 I told myself that as long as I still had the drive and the passion to keep going I would never stop and never look back and try my damnedest to just remember that I was doing what I loved.
I promised myself that I would keep going and giving it 110% until I no longer had it in me.
I would try and stay positive and I would just keep putting out good vibes into the universe.

I would be lying if I said I never dreamt about getting some notoriety for my work.
Of course I have always wanted to impress enough people to keep my self busy and getting referrals. The occasional pat on the back from a family member or two would be all the recognition I would need to plug on. 
I even dreamt of having a few followers on my blog that would give me a comment here and there to keep my little dream alive.

Well, Cut to present time..
 I never dreamt I could be in such awesome company and recognized by the leaders in the industry of all things decor!!!

That shit is just crazy and I must pinch myself!

Not only do I have all of you lovers that follow my blog and care what I have to say.

Not only do I get new readers everyday which still flatters me to no end and read comments that make me love you all even more...

Not only do I have clients that I cherish and more clients that are willing to wait so that I can help them design their homes.


have made some amazing friendships with people who share this love of interior design with me.
and most importantly I still LOVE what I do.

I am in shock and humbled beyond words.
It just keeps getting better and better and my passion grows more with each day.

I truly want to Thank You Lovers from the bottom of my heart for visiting this here bloggy.

You have allowed me to document and share with you this great love of mine.

I would also like to thank Elka from CasaSugar for nominating me for the spot in Elle Decor

Personally I feel like I just gave a really long and annoying golden globes speech.

Its how I feel
even if it is douchey!

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