New Years Resolution
I'll be the first to admit that I'm a bit of a skeptic when it comes to New Years Resolutions. For the first few days, everyone approaches their resolutions with gusto and eagerness, but before long, real life resumes post-holidays and those good intentions fade into 'maybe next years'. 2012, however, is going to be a BIG, huge, lifechanging year for me.
1) I'm moving out of my parents' house
2) I'm starting a new educational path
3) I will be going to school with future designers in Toronto
These things all lead me to think that something has got to change in order to accommodate all of these grown up changes. My resolution: Look the part.
Something you should all know about me, I LOVE sweatpants, more than I probably should. This is not to say that I wear them all of the time, but I am definitely one of those students who rolls out of bed, throws on some sweats and shows up in class looking lazy (I should note that I am NOT actually lazy at school, just averaged a 91% this semester eeee). As an undergrad at a predominantly 'farming' university and having to drive forty five minutes just to arrive on campus, however, I've felt somewhat entitled to take advantage of the sweat pant luxury while I still can.
BUT, I know that in Toronto, sweats everyday just won't cut it. Especially considering I will be attending a SMALL school where everyone I run into may play a potential role in my future career. Gotta represent myself right. Besides, I've got a lot of nice clothes that don't get worn nearly enough.
Thus, its time to start dressing more professionally, more often. Start putting my best foot forward to make those good first impressions, and look the part of a successful interior designer. It's never too early to start!
What's YOUR resolution? I'd love to hear :)
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interior designer,
new years resolution