There comes a time
When you need to take a hard look
And take some tough decisions
There comes a time
When you need space
A lot more space
On your hard disk
It was that time for me today
To decide
What to save and what not to save
What inspired me once
Does it still inspire me?Here's a snippet from my many many inspiration folders
Some images I decided to save...
How can I not love this room? The tiny couch with the suzani throw, the lamp, the rug, the dog.
Oh, the dog!
Oh, the dog!
This is saved in my idea folder for stair landings
Mirror Mirrors on the wall, where can I find you all?
Brillianto idea for messy work desk post-its and notes
The ubiquitous steel jug, not so ubiquitous any more
Pretty details
Wine wine instead of chai chai!
that's how chai - tea vendors sell their wares at Indian train stations...shouting out chai-chai, holding glasses of steaming tea in wire holders like above
And a few from my color files...
Alternate use of the many mirror work fabric patches I hoard
And, my all time favorite picture frame! :)
[Image sources: Sorry, since these images were in my inspiration files, I hadn't noted down the source!]
[Image sources: Sorry, since these images were in my inspiration files, I hadn't noted down the source!]