Truly Asia..

Bensley Design Studio, focused on landscape, interiors and architecture, has executed multiple projects in Asia, primarily in the South East Asian countries.

Bill, the man behind BDS and a dedicated Asian-phile, has traveled extensively around the region, and continues to study and adapt his work to the unique characteristics and cultures of these countries

Presenting selected snapshots of the design studio's work in the residential space:

Aqua lovers - this one is for you!

Imagine your morning cuppa or evening chai in this gazebo..

Quite like how three different light 'forms' play in this room - Sunlight, gentle glow from the candles and light from the chandelier

Handy never know when you might need to row a boat in your dream!

Chuck your food processor out! Time to grind and mince and roll in these stone urns...

Dainty dressing corner

The colorful table and the alfresco setting reminds me of summer vacations...

Indian influence seen in the furniture the color and texture combinations here

Isn't the color combination eye catching? As is the shape of these cushions

Where do I start? The door, and the color of the door, the window frame, the texture of the pot, the profusion of colorful flowers against the stone wall...just perfect!

Quick glimpses of beautiful interiors

Mr.Bull - looks like you have been sitting still for too long! The elephants, with very typical Asian umbrellas - this one is for Courtney

The horse rider almost seems alive in this lilac setting!

Wooden statue, mini throne and wooden dragons at loggerheads!

See more of BDS's work here...

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