Time does fly!

2 whole months! Wow!
And what a journey it has been!


Came to know how good it feels to share! Share design inspiration, ideas and thoughts, beautiful images, great products..

Learnt to appreciate new and different designs and styles. I have started appreciating creativity more than ever

Realized that work and hobby can go hand in hand. My day ends refreshed even after 12 hours of intense corporate work because of 3 hours of inspired blogging!

*Met* so many, absolutely adorable people! I now have a new group of friends across countries, all connected with a common passion!
Thank you - fellow bloggers, my readers, regular commentators - it has meant a lot to me to be able to share with you and *hear* back from you!

What to look out for on An Indian Summer:

* I plan to introduce some regular features. Like - presenting the best in Travel and Vacation (place and design) every weekend, with focus on Asia

* I would like to start showcasing talent from Asia; Specially closet artists, designers, photographers and crafts people

* And, I am very excited about a venture, which is slowly and steadily moving from the idea stage to implementation stage! Give me a couple of more weeks before I let the cat out of the bag...
Ok, I can't keep it all secret and hush-hush (see above bullet point about 'sharing'!). Will give you one Hint: Have you always been charmed by traditional and contemporary Asian arts, crafts and products, but did not know where to find one which is of impeccable quality and good design?...Well well, I just might be able to help you with that! :-D

Keep visiting An Indian Summer and you will come to know how and when!

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